How to use Baanplanner?

  1. Click at the top of the page on: Baanplanner
  2. Choose your match or contest and select it.
  3. Scroll down and click on it to see the match
  4. Scroll down and choose which day, lane and time you want to shoot
  5. Then click on Inschrijven to retain a place on Baanplanner
  6. You are now on the page: Inschrijven. On this page you must fill in your name, clubnumber, etc.
  7. Select houding/klasse/categorie: Which position you shoot
  8. Are you left-handed? Then check: Aanvinken als u Linkshandig bent
  9. Naam Weergeven = Do you want your name visible on Baanplanner? (If you select Nee, then only your licence number will be visible on Baanplanner)
  10. Check the data you filled in, and also the position you selected = CONTROLEER INGEVULDE GEGEVENS!
  11. When you checked it all, then click on Verzenden to submit the form
  12. If everything goes well, you are now announced on Baanplanner in your selected match
  13. We wish you good luck in the match and see you next year again

© 2005 - 2025 Baanplanner v4.9.6 - Erik Wolters