How to use Baanplanner?
- Click at the top of the page on: Baanplanner
- Choose your match or contest and select it.
- Scroll down and click on it to see the match
- Scroll down and choose which day, lane and time you want to shoot
- Saturday = Zaterdag
- Sunday = Zondag
- Lane = Baan
- Then click on Inschrijven to retain a place on Baanplanner
- You are now on the page: Inschrijven. On this page you must fill in your name, clubnumber, etc.
- Initials = Voorletters
- Last name = Achternaam
- Clubnumber or code = Verenigingscode
- Licence number = Licentienummer
- Telephonenr = Telnr.
- E-mail adress = E-mail adres
- Select houding/klasse/categorie: Which position you shoot
- Are you left-handed? Then check: Aanvinken als u Linkshandig bent
- Naam Weergeven = Do you want your name visible on Baanplanner? (If you select Nee, then only your licence number will be visible on Baanplanner)
- Check the data you filled in, and also the position you selected = CONTROLEER INGEVULDE GEGEVENS!
- When you checked it all, then click on Verzenden to submit the form
- If you made a mistake, then click on Opnieuw to do it again
- If everything goes well, you are now announced on Baanplanner in your selected match
- We wish you good luck in the match and see you next year again
© 2005 - 2025 Baanplanner v4.9.6 - Erik Wolters